Installation Instructions
Step 1: Determine where your battery is located on your vehicle.
Step 2: Determine what side of the trailer has the most exposure to the sun while stored. This will always be the south facing side of the vehicle. Locate the best place to attach the baseplate to your trailer so that the solar panel can face this exposed side and is closest to the battery on the vehicle. Keep in mind, the baseplate can mount to almost all locations on trailer, as long as there is room to turn the solar panel to face the south direction and it is not interfering with loading/unloading of vehicle.
Step 3: Place the front & back baseplate on trailer with triangle side facing out (large part of triangle is on top).
Step 4: Install the bolts through the holes provided. Install the nuts and tighten until they are snug. Trailers may be different sizes, so choose the holes that best align with your frame and the bracket is not loose. Reminder- The baseplate is meant to stay attached to trailer, so choose a location where it will not affect use or transportation of the trailer. If attaching the baseplate to a boat or vehicle trailer, be sure the baseplate does not interfere with loading/unloading of the boat/vehicle.
Step 5: If needed, add "extender" to ensure pole has adequate space to slide into baseplate and does not hit the trailer or vehicle.
Step 6: Attach the solar panel to the top of the upright pole with bracket facing away from indented side of triangle (Follow the solar panel assembly guide for more details included in packaging). Tighten bracket just enough to keep in place, but loose enough to turn the solar panel.
Step 7: Slide upright pole (with solar panel attached) into baseplate or “extender” on trailer.
Step 8: Adjust solar panel bracket to ensure solar panel is facing in the southern direction. Tighten bracket to upright pole until snug. *Caution – do not over-tighten bracket and crush the pole.
Step 9: Adjust the bracket angle for best sunlight all day. Typically, the angle should be steeper in the winter, and flatter in the summer.
Step 10: Attach your preferred connectors into to the solar panel wire. (3 options included).
Step 11: Attach connectors to battery on the vehicle. Check the LEDs on solar panel and ensure a proper connection, and that charging has started. (Follow solar panel instructions for proper battery attachment included in packaging). The light directions are located on back of solar panel.
Step 12: When putting a cover over Vehicle/Boat ensure you do not pull wires out of the back of the solar panel.
Step 13: Lock device to trailer, if desired. Use holes on side of triangle brackets.
Can secure with cable and/or lock. DO NOT travel with pole attached. ONLY Baseplate stays attached for transportation.